Building a Sustainable Future

My campaign is dedicated to building our city's brighter and more sustainable future. I support programs that encourage businesses and households to use renewable energy sources and make their buildings more energy-efficient. This includes incentives for improvements like better insulation, energy-efficient windows, and intelligent heating and cooling systems.

I am committed to developing municipal solar and wind farms to supply clean energy to our community. Investing in smart grid technology will help us optimize energy distribution and reduce waste. Additionally, I aim to create and maintain more parks, green spaces, and urban forests to enhance biodiversity and serve as natural carbon sinks. It will also be critical that the northeast swale and grasslands near current city boundaries are fully protected from future development.

Educating our community about the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency is a top priority. I promise to regularly update the public and city council on our progress and the impact of our sustainability efforts. New infrastructure projects will be designed to withstand extreme weather and long-term environmental changes.

I will expand and improve public transportation options, bike lanes, and pedestrian pathways to reduce our city's carbon footprint. Working together, we can create a more sustainable, inclusive, and forward-thinking city for everyone.

IMPROVING COMMUNITY SAFETY (click here for more)

Working together to find common-sense solutions to help make our neighbourhoods safer for all.

Tony’s Vision for Ward 6 Residents

A ROOF OVER EVERY HEAD (click here for more)

Advocating for affordable housing so people can access safe and affordable living spaces.

COMMUNITY HISTORY & HERITAGE (click here for more)

Ensuring future development protects neighbourhood character while expanding green spaces.

RESPONSIBLE SPENDING & GROWTH (click here for more)

Identifying inefficiencies while ensuring essential services are adequately funded for future city growth.

RESILIENT & PEOPLE-FRIENDLY CITY (click here for more)

Using sustainable materials for infrastructure and streamlining transportation.


Supporting programs for businesses and households to help Saskatoon move to a robust green economy.

Get connected with the Ward 6 campaign
text: (306) 881.0255